Detalii incident BV7A368 din 03/07/2024 11:17 Anulat

Date solicitant


  • Vehicul: Pajero v60 2.8-3t + Trailer (1.3-1.4t)
    1 winch. AT Tires bf goodrich

    Solicitare: It rained and is beginning to rain again. We cant drive Backwards because the Trailer is pulling to much. We used the winch to get up to a point where we can turn around. But at one point there is no place to out the rope on. The grund is to much mud for the AT Tires. AT our car we dont have cell Phone Service.


  • Județ : Brasov
  • Reper: nespecificat
  • Coordonate GPS
    46.539676900928, 22.569203386832
    46° 32" 22' N / 22° 34" 9' E


  • 50 membri notificați
  • 0 membri participă
  • 0 membri confirmă rezolvarea



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